Authored works

Burrows, Toby and Verhoeven, Deb (2017). Serendipity in the Digital Humanities (under contract with Palgrave)

Verhoeven, Deb (2009). Jane Campion, Routledge, London

Verhoeven, Deb (2006). Sheep and the Australian Cinema, MUP, Melbourne
Edited works

Terras, Melissa; Clivaz, Claire; Verhoeven, Deb and Kaplan, Frederic (2015). Digital Scholarship in the Humanities from Digital Humanities 2014, Volume 30, Issue suppl 1, December

Verhoeven, Deb (1999). Twin Peeks: Australian and New Zealand Feature Films, Damned Publishing, Melbourne.
Brandum, D., Coate, B., & Verhoeven, D. (2019). When Distributors’ Trash Becomes Exhibitors’ Treasure: Rethinking Film Success and Failure. In D. Biltereyst, R. Maltby, & P. Meers (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to New Cinema History, pp. 187–197. London and New York, NY: Routledge.
Coate, B., & Verhoeven, D. (2019). Show Me the Data! Uncovering the Evidence in Screen Media Industry Research. In L. Patti (Ed.), Writing about Screen Media, pp. 173–176. London and New York: Routledge.
Mayer, V. A., Press, A., Verhoeven, D., & Sterne, J. (2018). How Do We Intervene in the Stubborn Persistence of Patriarchy in Communication Scholarship? In A. Shaw & D. T. Scott (Eds.), Interventions: Communication Theory and Practice. Peter Lang Publishers, New York.
Verhoeven, D. (2018). Be More Than Binary. In E. M. Losh & J. Wernimont (Eds.), Bodies of Information, p. 71. Minneapolis, MN and London: University of Minnesota Press.
Coate, B., Verhoeven, D., Arrowsmith, C., & Zemaityte, V. (2017). Feature Film Diversity on Australian Cinema Screens: Implications for Cultural Diversity Studies Using Big Data. In M. D. Ryan & B. Goldsmith (Eds.), Australian Screen in the 2000s, pp. 341–360. Cham, Springer International.
Verhoeven, D. (2016). Show Me the History! Big Data Goes to the Movies. In C. R. Acland & E. Hoyt (Eds.), The Arclight Guidebook to Media History and the Digital Humanities, pp. 165–183. Sussex, England: REFRAME and Reframe Books in association with Project Arclight.
Coate, Bronwyn; Verhoeven, Deb; Davidson, Alwyn and Arrowsmith, Colin (accepted June 2015). Feature film diversity on Australian cinema screens: Implications for the domestic film industry, Australian Cinema in the 2000s, Ryan, M. & Goldsmith, B. (Eds.), Palgrave MacMillan.
Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Show Me the History! Big Data Goes to the Movies in The Arclight Guide to Media History and the Digital Humanities (eds) Acland, C. & Hoyt, E., Reframe Books.
Verhoeven, Deb and Palmer, Stuart (2015). Because it takes a village to fund the answers: Crowdfunding University Research in Crowdfunding the Future: Media Industries, Ethics and Digital Society (eds) Bertha Jones, Bethan Chin and Lucy Bennett, Peter Lang Publishers, Bern, pp. 133-156.
Verhoeven, Deb (2014). Doing the Sheep Good: Facilitating Engagement in Digital Humanities and Creative Arts Research in Advancing Digital Humanities: Research, Theory, Methods (eds) Paul Arthur and Katherine Bode, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 206-220.
Ryan, Mark David; Goldsmith, Ben; Cunningham, Stuart; Verhoeven, Deb (2014). The Australian Screen Producer in Transition in Beyond the Bottom-Line: The Producer in Film and Television Studies, (eds) Andrew Spicer, Anthony McKenna and Christopher Meir, Continuum, pp. 125-142.
Verhoeven, Deb (2014). Film, Video, DVD and Online Distribution in Media and Communication in Australia, 6th edition (eds) Stuart Cunningham and Sue Turnbull, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, pp. 151-171.
Verhoeven, Deb (2013). What is a Cinema? Death, Closure and the Database in Watching Films: New Perspectives on Movie-Going, Exhibition and Reception (eds) Albert Moran and Karina Aveyard, Intellect Books, pp. 33-51.
Verhoeven, Deb; Arrowsmith, Colin (2013). Mapping the ill disciplined? Spatial Analyses and Historical Change in the Post-War Film Industry in Locating the moving image: new approaches to film and place (eds) Julia Hallam and Les Roberts, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, pp.106-129.
Verhoeven, Deb (2011). Film distribution in the diaspora: Temporality, community and national cinema in (eds) Richard Maltby et al, Explorations in New Cinema History: Approaches and Case Studies, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 243-260.
Verhoeven, Deb; Bowles, Kate; and Colin Arrowsmith (2009). Mapping the movies: reflections on the use of geospatial technologies for historical cinema audience research in Digital Tools in Media Studies (eds) Michael Ross, Manfred Grauer, Bernd Freisleben, Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, pp. 69-82.
Phillips, S., & Verhoeven, D. (2020) ‘“How Do We Live Together Without Killing Each Other” – Indigenous and Feminist Perspectives on Relationality’ Journal of Communication, Culture, and Critique
Loist, S., & Verhoeven, D. (2019). Complex not Complicated: Gendered Media Industries in the Wake of #MeToo. Media Industries, 6(1), pp. 67–71.
Verhoeven, D., Coate, B., & Zemaityte, V. (2019). Re-Distributing Gender in the Global Film Industry: Beyond #MeToo and #MeThree. Media Industries, 6(1), pp. 135–155.
Verhoeven, D., Moore, P. S., Zemaityte, V., Loist, S. & Samoilova, Z. (2019). Intellectual Networks and Cultural Networks: Kinomatics and the Complex Cultural Geometry of Cinema, Global Digital Humanities 2019: “Complexities”, Utrecht.
Eltham, B., & Verhoeven, D. (2018). A Natural Experiment in Australian Cultural Policy: Australian Government Funding Cuts Disproportionately Affect Companies that Produce More New Work and Have Larger Audiences. International Journal of Cultural Policy, pp. 1–14.
Verhoeven, D., Musial, K., Palmer, S., Taylor, S., Simpson, L., Zemaityte, V. & Abedi, S. (2018). Solving the Problem of the “Gender Offenders”: Controlling Collaborative Network Evolution to Optimize Openness. Global Digital Humanities 2018: “Bridges”, Mexico City.
Zemaityte, V., Coate, B., & Verhoeven, D. (2018). Media Trade Beyond Country Borders: Five Types of Global Cinema Distribution. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Zemaityte, V., Verhoeven, D., & Coate, B. (2018). Understanding the Dynamics between the United States and Australian Film Markets: Testing the 10% Rule. Studies in Australasian Cinema, 12(1), pp. 56–69.
Coate, Bronwyn; Verhoeven, Deb and Davidson, Alwyn (2017) ‘The Cinema Cities Index: comparing urban cinema cultures around the world’, Media International Australia DOI: 10.1177/1329878X17693931
Coate, Bronwyn; Verhoeven, Deb; Palmer, Stuart and Arrowsmith, Colin (2016) ‘Using big cultural data to understand diversity and reciprocity in the global flow of contemporary cinema’, Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Measurement of Digital Cultural Products, UNESCO, pp. 141-151
Dourish, Paul; Gomez Cruz, Edgar; Horst, Heather; Lupton, Deborah; Pink, Sarah; Postill, John; Sumartojo, Shanti; Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Paper IV: “Data Stories” Data Ethnographies Lab
Palmer, Stuart and Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Crowdfunding academic researchers – the importance of academic social media profiles, ECSM 2016: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Social Media, Academic Conferences and Publishing International, Sonning Common, Eng., pp. 291-299
Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Visualising Data in Digital Cinema Studies: More than Just Going through the Motions? Alphaville, Issue 11, Summer 2016, pp. 92-104
Burrows, Toby and Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Libraries and the digital humanities: partnership, collaboration and shared agendas, VALA Conference, February 10
Burrows, Toby and Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Aggregating Data For Social Linking In The Humanities And Creative Arts: The Humanities Networked Infrastructure (HuNI), Revista Signa 25, pp. 109-119.
Verhoeven, Deb (2016). As Luck Would Have It: Serendipity and Solace in Digital Research Infrastructure, Feminist Media Histories (special issue on Archives and Archivists), Vol. 2, no. 1, January.
Verhoeven, Deb and Coate, Bronwyn (2015). Counting the Cost: Exploring the impact of cinema ticket prices in Australia, Metro Magazine, Issue 186, pp. 118-123.
Davidson, Alwyn; Verhoeven, Deb; and Arrowsmith, Colin (2015). Petal Diagrams: A new technique for mapping historical change in the Film Industry, International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 9.2, pp. 142–163 DOI: 10.3366/ijhac.2015.0146
Burrows, Toby and Verhoeven, Deb (2015). Aggregating Cultural Heritage Data for Research Use: The Humanities Networked Infrastructure (HuNI), in Metadata and Semantics Research, 9th Research Conference, MTSR 2015, Manchester, UK, September 9–11, 2015: Proceedings, ed. Emmanouel Garoufallou, Richard J. Hartley, Panorea Gaitanou (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 544) (Cham: Springer), pp. 417-423.
Verhoeven, Deb; Davidson, Alwyn and Coate, Bronwyn (2015). Australian films at large: Expanding the evidence about Australian cinema performance, Studies in Australasian Cinema, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 7-20.
Verhoeven, Deb; Davidson, Alwyn; Gionfriddo, Alex; Verhoeven, James and Gravestock, Peter (2014). Turning Gigabytes into Gigs: “Songification” and Live Music Data, Academic Quarter, vol. 9 (Autumn), pp. 4-16.
Avital M, Andersson M, Nickerson J, Sundararajan A, Van Alstyne M, and Verhoeven, D (2014). The Collaborative Economy: A Disruptive Innovation Or Much Ado About Nothing? Proceedings Of The 35th International Conference On Information Systems; ICIS 2014 (eds) Karahanna E, Srinivasan A, Tan B Association For Information Systems. AIS Electronic Library (AISEL), Atlanta.
Arrowsmith, Colin; Verhoeven, Deb, and Davidson, Alwyn and Coate, Bronwyn (2014). Kinomatics: A global study into Cinema Data, Proceedings of the Geospatial Science Research 3 Symposium (GSR_3), December 1 2014, School of Mathematical and Geospatial Science, RMIT University, Melbourne.
Arrowsmith, Colin; Verhoeven, Deb, and Davidson, Alwyn (2014). Exhibiting the exhibitors: Spatial visualization for heterogeneous cinema venue data, The Cartographic Journal, vol. 51, no. 3, 2014, pp.301-312.
Owen, Sue; Verhoeven, Deb; Horn, Anne; Robertson, Sabina (2014). Collaboration Success in the Dataverse: Libraries as Digital Humanities Research Partners, Proceedings of the IATUL Conference, Paper 1,
Burrows, Toby and Verhoeven, Deb (2014). Linking and sharing data in the humanities and creative arts: building the HuNI Virtual Laboratory, VALA2014 Proceedings,
Verhoeven, Deb (2013). Γεννημένος δυο φορές: η Dionysos Films και η δημιουργία ενός ελληνικού κινηματογραφικού κυκλώματος στην Αυστραλία Journal of Greek Film Studies 1:1, September
Verhoeven, Deb (2012). New Cinema History and the Computational Turn, Beyond Art, Beyond Humanities, Beyond Technology: A New Creativity, World Congress of Communication and the Arts Conference Proceedings, University of Minho, Portugal
Arrowsmith, Colin and Verhoeven, Deb (2011). Visual methods for showing cinema circuits at varying temporal and spatial scales, in Colin Arrowsmith, Chris Bellman, William Cartwright, Simon Jones and Mark Shortis (ed.) Proceedings of the Geospatial Science Research Symposium, Melbourne, Australia
Davidson, Alwyn; Arrowsmith, Colin and Verhoeven, Deb (2011). A method for the visual representation of historic multivariate point data in Advances in Cartography and GIScience, volume 2: selection from ICC 2011, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp.163-178.
Verhoeven, Deb (2010). Coming Soon (to a Theatre Near You): The Temporality of Global Film Distribution to Australia, Media International Australia, Issue 136 (Aug 2010), pp. 146-161.
Keynote, Plenary and Public Addresses
Verhoeven, D. (2019). Making Sense of the Unfathomable: Digital Humanities for Desperate Times, National Digital Forum, (NZ). November 20th, 2019.
Verhoeven, D. (2017). Reproducibility, Contestability and Co-existence: The Imperative for Open Data in a Closing Down World, Figshare Fest, (NZ). October 27, 2017.
Verhoeven, D. (2017). The Art of Science. National Science Week, August 18, 2017.
Verhoeven, D. (2017). Cinema Studies at Scale: Cartographies for Co-existence. The Annual History of Moviegoing, Exhibition and Reception (HoMER) Network Conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, (CA). June 21-24, 2017.
Verhoeven, D. (2017). Measuring the Value of Network Analysis for Understanding Gender Bias in Creative Industries. International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, San Diego, (USA). May 28, 2017.
Verhoeven, D. (2017). Understanding the Customer Value Equation ‘The Latest Research on Indie Cinema Value’. Independent Cinema Association Conference, Sydney, (AU). May 2, 2017.
Verhoeven, D. (2017). The Social Life of Data Symposium. (Co-Convenor), RMIT University, Melbourne, (AU). April 28, 2017.
Verhoeven, D. (2017). Women Behind the Scenes: How to Get to 50%. A WIFT/OZDOX Event, AFTRS, Sydney, (AU). April 12, 2017.
Verhoeven, D. (2017). Measuring the Value of Network Analysis for Cinema Studies. Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) Conference, Chicago, (USA). March 26, 2017.
Verhoeven, D. (2017). Go Figure: Open Data in a Closing World. THINC Lab, University of Guelph, Ontario, (CA). March 23, 2017.
Verhoeven, D. (2017). How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Data. The Arts in a Digital World Summit, Canada Council for the Arts, Montreal, (CA). March 15-17, 2017.
Verhoeven, D. (2017). You Can’t Take the Men Out of Documentary: Cane Toad Cup Debate (Winner), Australian International Documentary Conference (AIDC), ACMI, Melbourne, (AU). March 8, 2017.
Verhoeven, D. (2017). Hands-on Digital Humanities: How to Make your Research Sticky. ResBaz, University of Melbourne, (AU). February 23, 2017.
Verhoeven, D. (2017). The Importance of Data Science in a World of Alternative Facts and Post Truths. (Plenary Panel), ResBaz, University of Melbourne, (AU). February 23, 2017.
Verhoeven, D. (2017). Open Data in a Closing Down World: Reproducibility, Contestability and Co-existence. Technologies of Memory and Affect Conference and Exhibition, Flinders University, Adelaide, (AU). February 16, 2017.
Verhoeven, D. (2017). Reproducibility, Contestability and Co-existence: The Imperative for Open Data. Figshare Symposium, UTS Sydney, (AU). February 9, 2017.
Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Because it Takes a Village to Fund the Answers: Crowdfunding University Researchers ACIS2016 December 6
Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Big Data Goes to the Movies: the new network analysis in cinema studies, SSAANZ, November 23
Verhoeven, Deb (2016). The Downunder on Movies Downunder, Nerd Nite, Wagga Wagga, September 29
Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Intersectionality in Digital Humanities KU Leuven, September 12-17
Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Connectedness, Co-existence and Digital Collections, NECS, Potsdam, July 30
Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Identifying the Point of it All: Towards a Model of Infrapuncture, Oxford DH Summer School, July 4
Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Why connected scholarship is essential for contemporary academics, LaTrobe University, June 15
Verhoeven, Deb (2016). As Luck Would Have It: Discovery in the Digital Age Melbourne Knowledge Week. May 4
Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Always Hoik: Women and the Oscars Scribble Creative Women, February 26
Verhoeven, Deb (2015). Innovation for Social Good Global Innovator Conference, APEC China Business Council (ACBC) and the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC), Beijing, September 15
Verhoeven, Deb (2015). Show me the History! Big Data Goes to the Movies, Concordia University, Montreal, May 13
Verhoeven, Deb (2014). Show me the History! History, Cinema, Digital Archives, ANU, Canberra, July 23-25
Verhoeven, Deb; Maltby, Richard; Casetti, Francesco; Ravazzoli, Elisa (2014). Plenary Panel. NECS/HOMER, June 18
Verhoeven, Deb (2013). It Ain’t Over til the Big Data Sings, eResearch Australasia, Brisbane, November
Presentations, Workshops and Panels
Verhoeven, D., Moore, P. S., Zemaityte, V., Loist, S. & Samoilova, Z. (2019). Intellectual Networks and Cultural Networks: Kinomatics and the Complex Cultural Geometry of Cinema, Digital Humanities (DH2019) Conference “Complexities”, Utrecht University (NL). July 9–12, 2019.
Zemaityte, V., Verhoeven, D. & Arrowsmith, C. (2019). The Telling of Women’s Stories: Using Big Data to Compare the Audience Access to Films Directed by Women across Europe. European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS) Conference “Structures and Voices: Storytelling in Post-Digital Times”, University of Gdańsk, (PL). June 13-15, 2019.
Verhoeven, D., Musial, K., Palmer, S., Taylor, S., Simpson, L., Zemaityte, V. & Abedi, S. (2018). Solving the Problem of the “Gender Offenders”: Controlling Collaborative Network Evolution to Optimize Openness. Digital Humanities (DH2018) Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, June 26-29, 2018.
Jones, Mike and Verhoeven, Deb (2016). The Ubiquitous Archive: non-binary perspectives on contemporary humanities practice. 31st National Conference of the Australian Society of Archivists, October 20
Verhoeven Deb; Coate, Bronwyn; Palmer, Stuart and Arrowsmith, Colin (2016). Using Big Cultural Data To Understand Diversity And Reciprocity In The Global Flow Of Contemporary Cinema, DH2016, Krakow, July 13
Brown, Susan; Clement, Tanya E.; Mandell, Laura; Verhoeven, Deb and Wernimont, Jacque (2016). Creating Feminist Infrastructure in the Digital Humanities, DH2016, Krakow, July 14
Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Open Data and Big Data, International Symposium on the Measurement of Digital Cultural Products, UNESCO Institute of Statistics, May9-11
Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Big Data Goes to the Movies: Beyond the Itinerary, Transformations I: Cinema & Media Studies Research Meets Digital Humanities Tools, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University, April 15
Verhoeven, Deb; Arrowsmith, Colin; Coate, Bronwyn and Davidson, Alwyn (2016). On Location: Techniques for Analysing the Circulatory Economies of Cinema, SCMS, Atlanta, April 1
Verhoeven Deb; Sherratt Tim and Whitelaw, Mitchell (2016). Electronic Visualisation, the Arts and the Innovation Agenda (Panel). EVAA, University of Canberra March 6
Verhoeven, Deb (2015). Showcasing the Digital Humanities (panel), Melbourne Knowledge Week. October 21
Verhoeven, Deb (2015). Crowd Funding – Research my World Pilot Project, National University Finance and Procurement Conference, July 27
Coate, Brobwyn; Verhoeven, Deb; Davidson, Alwyn; Arrowsmith, Colin; and Zemaityte, Vejune. (2015). Feature Film Diversity on Australian Cinema Screens: Implications for the Domestic Film Industry, XVIIth Film and History Association of Australia and New Zealand (FHAANZ) Conference, Queensland University of Technology, July1-3
Verhoeven, Deb (2015). Digital Humanities: Where does Art fit in? University of Melbourne, June 5
Arrowsmith, C. Verhoeven, D. Davidson, A. and Coate, B. (2015). A Global Analysis of Cinema Performance Association of American Geographers Conference, Chicago, April 21-25
Avital M, Andersson M, Nickerson J, Sundararajan A, Van Alstyne M and Verhoeven, D (2014). The collaborative economy: a disruptive innovation or much ado about nothing? 35th International Conference on Information Systems; ICIS 2014 University of Auckland, December 14-17
Verhoeven, Deb; Davidson, Alwyn; and Coate, Bronwyn, (2014). The Cinema Cities Index: the potential of engagement-led research, eResearch Australasia 2014, Melbourne
Verhoeven, Deb; Burrows, Toby and Davidson, Alwyn (2014). HuNI: Open Data Semantic Ontologies in the Digital Humanities, eResearch Australasia 2014, Melbourne.
Arrowsmith, Colin; Verhoeven, Deb, and Davidson, Alwyn, (2014). Kinomatics: a Co-produced Global Exploration of Cinematic Data, RGS Annual International Conference, London, August 29
Verhoeven, Deb; Davidson, Alwyn; Arrowsmith, Colin and Coate, Bronwyn, (2014). Kinomatics: Big Cultural Data and the Study of Cinema, DH2014, Lausanne, July 10
Verhoeven, Deb; Arrowsmith, Colin; Coate, Bronwyn and Davidson, Alwyn, (2014). Scaling: Kinomatics and Big Cinema Data; Ranking: Re-placing Cinema Cities, Screen, Glasgow University, June 28
Verhoeven, Deb; Arrowsmith, Colin; and Davidson, Alwyn and Coate, Bronwyn (2014). Flowing: Cinema Histories Mis-placed, Screen, Glasgow University, June 28
Verhoeven, Deb; Arrowsmith, Colin; Coate, Bronwyn and Davidson, Alwyn, (2014). Ranking: Re-placing Cinema Cities, Screen, Glasgow University, June 28
Verhoeven, Deb and Maltby, Richard, (2014). Big Data and the Case Study: Challenges and Opportunities, NECS/HOMER, Milan, June 19
Verhoeven, Deb; Coate, Bronwyn; Arrowsmith, Colin, and Davidson, Alwyn, (2014). The Kinomatics Project: an Assessment of Using Small Data to Support Big Data, NECS/HOMER, Milan, June 19
Owen, Sue; Horn, Anne; Verhoeven Deb, and Robertson, Sabina, (2014). Collaboration Success in the Dataverse: libraries as digital humanities research partners 35th annual IATUL Conference, Aalto University Library, June 2-5
Verhoeven, Deb; Arrowsmith, Colin; and Davidson, Alwyn and Coate, Bronwyn (2014). It s not how big your data is, it s what you do with it that counts: Towards expanded data in the Kinomatics Project, aaDH, UWA, Perth
Verhoeven, Deb and Burrows, Toby, (2014). Deploying Ontologies in the Humanities and Creative Arts, aaDH, UWA, Perth
Verhoeven, Deb and Arthur, Paul (2014). NeCTAR Virtual Laboratories and the Humanities Networked Infrastructure (HuNI) Project, JADH2014, University of Tsukubu, Japan, September 21
Verhoeven, Deb; Burrows, Toby and Hawker, Alex (2013). Humanities e-Research at a National Scale: the HuNI Virtual Laboratory, eResearch Australasia, Brisbane, 20-25 October
Burrows, Toby and Verhoeven, Deb (2013). Integrating research in the humanities: the HuNI Virtual Laboratory, First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation, Canberra, 8-11 September (digital poster)
Burrows, Toby and Verhoeven Deb (2013. Humanities Networked Infrastructure (HuNI), AeRO 5th National Forum: AeRO Collaborates! Perth, 26 July 2013
Verhoeven, Deb and Burrows, Toby (2013). A National Virtual Laboratory for the Humanities in Australia: the HuNI (Humanities Networked Infrastructure) project, Digital Humanities 2013, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 16-19 July
Verhoeven, Deb (2013). Cinema Studies is Big: It s The Pictures That Got Small, HOMER Conference, June 2013, Prague
Arrowsmith, Colin and Verhoeven, Deb (2013). Spatial Visualisation for Heterogeneous Cinema Datasets, HOMER Conference, June 2013, Prague
Arrowsmith, Colin and Verhoeven, Deb (2013). Visualising large cinema data sets, RGS/IBG Conference, London, August 28-30
Verhoeven, Deb and Hawker, Alex (2013). A National Virtual Laboratory for the Humanities: a taste of HuNI, THETA (The Higher Education Technology Agenda), Hobart, April 7-10
Verhoeven, Deb and Morris, Brian (2012). Making Cities Count: Rankings, Liveability and Cultural Comparison, Making Culture Count: rethinking Measures of Vitality, Wellbeing and Citizenship, University of Melbourne, May 2-4
Arrowsmith, Colin and Verhoeven, Deb (2012). Visualising cinema circuits: a case study in Greek cinema, Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, New York, February 26
Verhoeven, Deb; Kilner, Kerry; Bollen, Jonathan; Harley, Ross (2012). Connecting Australia s Cultural Datasets: A Vision for Collaboration, Digital Humanities Australasia 2012 Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, March 28-30
Verhoeven, Deb (2012). Capacity, Curriculum Content: Teaching Digital Research Methodologies: a case study, Building, Mapping, Connecting: Digital Humanities Australasia 2012 Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, March 28-30
Verhoeven, Deb; Gionfriddo, Alexander; Wilson, Rachel; Thomas, Ian, May, Nicholas; Balasubranamian, Venki (2012). Virtual Research Collections in the Humanities: Defining and Creating MavReC, Building, Mapping, Connecting: Digital Humanities Australasia 2012 Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, March 28-30
Ryan, Mark and Verhoeven, Deb (2012). The Australian Screen Producer: Understanding Screen Production Cultures in a Period of Industrial Transition, 16th Biennial Conference of the Film and History Association of Australian and New Zealand, Victoria University, December 2-5
Mason, Ingrid; Verhoeven, Deb and Ross, Shawn (2012). eResearch Infrastructure for the Humanities, 3rd New Zealand eResearch Symposium, Victoria University, Wellington. July 4-6
Arrowsmith, Colin and Verhoeven, Deb (2011). A Method for Detecting Geographic Cinema Circuits Using Markov Chains, GISRUK Conference Portsmouth UK, April 27-29
Arrowsmith, Colin and Verhoeven, Deb (2011). Visual methods for showing cinema circuits at varying temporal and spatial scales, GSR_1, December 12
Verhoeven, Deb (2011). Projected communities: Greek cinema-going in Australia (1949-86), 9th International Conference on Greek Research, Flinders University, Adelaide, July 3
Arrowsmith, Colin; Verhoeven, Deb; Maltby, Richard; Walsh, Mike (2009). Media geographies: a geographic study of cinema in Australia for the period from 1948-1971, Annual International Conference of the RGS-IBG, September 1-3
Arrowsmith, Colin; Verhoeven, Deb and Davidson, Alwyn (2009). Geovisualising the History and Geography of Cinema, New Zealand Geographical Society (with the Institute of Australian Geographers) Conference, Christchurch, July 5-8
Arrowsmith, Colin; Verhoeven, Deb and Davidson, Alwyn (2009). The role of GIS and spatial analyses for understanding historical change in the post-war film industry: an interdisciplinary case study approach, Mapping the city in film: a geo-historical analysis: An Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Liverpool, February 25-26
Arrowsmith, Colin; Davidson, Alwyn and Verhoeven, Deb (2009). Spatio-temporal Analysis of Micro-historical Cinematic Data, Biennial International Conference of the Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI), September 28-October 2, Adelaide
Brandum, Dean; Verhoeven, Deb; and Coate, Bronwyn (2009). Wagging a long thin tail: the economic imperatives of the roadshow release strategy, SERG 2009: The 2nd Screen Economics Research Group Symposium, Sydney
Verhoeven, D., & Gregory, S. (2018). Honey, I Hid the Kids: Australia’s Screen Industry is Letting Down Carers. The Conversation. October 12, 2018.
Verhoeven, D., & Coate, B. (2018). Cannes of Worms: True Gender Equality in Film Will Take More than Just Add Women. The Guardian, (International Edition). May 22, 2018.
Verhoeven, D., & Burrows, T. (2017). Even Sweeter: What Happens When the Humanities Gets Graphic. Medium. July 31, 2017.
Verhoeven, Deb and Coate, Bronwyn (2017). When it comes to a diversity of films, the elephant IS the room. If Magazine, April 18:
Coate, Bronwyn and Verhoeven, Deb (2017). Coming Soon to a cinema near you? Ticket prices shaped by demand The Conversation, February 7:
Verhoeven, Deb and Palmer, Stuart (2016). Women aren’t the problem in the film industry, men are The Conversation, November 15
Verhoeven, Deb and Palmer, Stuart (2016). Breaking down the paucity of female AACTA award nominees: guest column. If Magazine, October 31:
Verhoeven, Deb and Palmer, Stuart (2016). Go Figure Equity
Jones, Mike and Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Treasure Trove: why defunding Trove leaves Australia poorer The Conversation, February 26
Verhoeven, Deb (2016). A Brief History of Women Accepting Oscars Public Books, February 25:
Eltham, Ben and Verhoeven, Deb (2015). Philosophy vs evidence is no way to orchestrate cultural policy, The Conversation:
Verhoeven, Deb (2015). Crowdfunding and its implications for academic research and pedagogy, Media Commons,
Verhoeven, Deb (2014). Zombie metrics: why Australian cinema just won t stay dead, The Conversation:
Coate, Bronwyn and Verhoeven, Deb (2014). Only at the movies? Home truths about cinema ticket pricing, The Conversation:
Verhoeven, Deb (2014). Big Data at the movies: the Kinomatics project, The Conversation:
Davidson, Alwyn and Verhoeven, Deb (2014). Bad Hobbits Die Hard: how to make a better Top 10 movie list, The Conversation:
Deb, Verhoeven and Burrows, Toby (2014). Crowdsourcing for Serendipity The Australian (Higher Education), 10 December 2014, pp. 1-3
Verhoeven, Deb and Morris (2014). Rankings Fever: Melbourne goes over the top – again,The Conversation, August 20
Burrows, Toby and Verhoeven, Deb (2014). Digital Scholarship in the Humanities and Creative Arts: The HuNI Virtual Laboratory, Educause Review Online, June 2
Tim Mansfield, March 12 2020, Part 1: Big Data, Gender Inequality, Collaboration &Part 2: Social Networks and Gender Offenders, Interaction Podcast
Screenhub, November 13 2019, Gender Matters Fail: An Open Letter to the Board of Screen Australia,
Marian Evans, Nov 6 2019, #GenderMatters Returns!,
Rachel Delevante and Ian Evans, September 4 2019, 5 Trends in Research Data Management,
New Innovative Way to Raise Uni Research Funds (video), September 29 2016, Prime 7 News,
Don Groves, July 28 2015, Cinemas raise prices while attendances shrink, IF Magazine:
Don Groves, March 9 2015, New formula to measure global impact of Oz films, IF Magazine:
Bruce Hodsdon, February 26 2015, A response to Australian films at large: expanding the evidence about Australian cinema performance , Film Alert:
David Tiley, December 10 2014, Australian Box Office: how do we value our films? Screen ArtsHub:
Alwyn Davidson and Deb Verhoeven, December 12 2014, Film industry calendar revolves around The Hobbit, The New Zealand Herald:
Brussel is zevende cinemastad, May 24 2014, Brussels This Week: Brussel Nieuws, http://www.
Julie Hare, May 8 2013, Research Turns to Crowd Power for Funding, The Australian
The Kinomatics Project collects, explores, analyses and represents data about the creative industries. Our research is collaborative and interdisciplinary. Our current focus is on the spatial and temporal dimensions of international film flow and the location of Australian live music gigs.
Kinomatics is derived from the word Kinematics; the study of the geometry of motion, and Kino; the term meaning cinema in many countries. Kinomatics is therefore the study of the industrial geometry of motion pictures. The focus of Kinomatics has been extended further in our research to mean the study of the industrial geometry of culture.
The Humanities Networked Infrastructure (HuNI) is a national ‘virtual laboratory’ that combines cultural data from 16 partner institutions into the biggest humanities and creative arts database assembled in Australia. HuNI data covers all disciplines and brings together information about the people, works, events, organisations, concepts and places that make up the Australia’s rich cultural landscape. 2012-present
TUGG is a fully accessible and searchable database of the history of live music gigs in Melbourne. The database captures the relationship between place and music events and enables search results to be viewed as lists or maps. 2012-present.
A fully accessible and searchable online Australian and New Zealand film history database compiled by Cinema Studies students at RMIT and Deakin Universities. Winner of the 2010 Australian Teachers of Media Award for Best Tertiary Resource. 1999-present.
Collected PANDORA initiative, National Library of Australia
Cinema and Audiences Research Project (CAARP) is a fully searchable relational database, which incorporates the use of wiki style information fields. CAARP holds information about film-related events, capturing where and when individual screenings took place and the relationship between cinema distribution, exhibition and cinema going in a range of different periods and Australian and international locales. It aims to promote research and a deeper understanding of film exhibition and cinema-going in Australia. 2006-present.
Collected PANDORA initiative, National Library of Australia
An experiment in “spatial blogging”. Instead of posts appearing in reverse chronological order this site organised them spatially using an early version of the googlemaps API. 2007-2014.
An interactive online careers information and employment service for RMIT Media Studies students, linking graduates with potential employers, both local and global. The site included a database of Media Studies graduates, a discussion form, graduate destination statistics, as well as job tools and career links. Eventually taken up as model for the administration of University alumni. 1998-2007.