Past Events

ACMI, Martin Barker Onstage, 2014
Keynote Address, National Digital Forum, Wellington, November 18-20, 2019
Making Sense of the Unfathomable: Digital Humanities for Desperate Times, CSDH/SCHN, Vancouver Congress, April 2019
Keynote Address, Women and Gender Minorities in Digital Humanities, Stanford, April 2019
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in the Humanities, Arts and Social
Sciences, Monash University, February 11, 2019
Dewey Really Need to Get into This? Preparing Libraries for the Pluriverse to Come, ALIA TopEnd, Australian Library and Information Association, Darwin, October 12-13, 2018
Challenging The Status Quo, Digital Directions, Canberra, August 21-22, 2018
Digital Diversity? Technologies, Texts and Conservatism, QUT, May 17-18, 2018
Universities Australia annual conference, Canberra, March 2018
The Library is Open. Or Is It? VALA, Melbourne, February 13-15, 2018
Digital Humanities and Data Journalism, University of Miami, September 14-16, 2017
The Art of Science, National Science Week, August 18, 2017
Cinema Studies at Scale: Cartographies for Co-Existence, Circuits of Cinema, Ryerson University, June 22-24, 2017
Data Science in a World of Alternative Facts and Post-Truths, Research Bazaar, University of Melbourne, February 23, 2017
Open Data in a Closing Down World, Technologies of Memory and Affect Conference and Exhibition, Flinders University, February 16, 2017
The Imperative for Open Data, Figshare Symposium, UTS, February 9, 2017
Because it Takes a Village to Fund the Answers: Crowdfunding university researchers, Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), University of Wollongong, Dec 5–7. 2016
Big Data Goes to the Movies: the new network analysis in cinema studies, SSAANZ (Screen Studies Association of Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand), Nov 23–25, 2016
New methodologies in Film and Media Studies, Institute for Media Research, University of Rostock, Nov 15, 2016
Digital Humanities. Is the Neutrality of Technology Possible or Desirable? Netherlands Network for Humanities (Amsterdam), November 7, 2016
The Downunder on Movies Downunder, Nerd Nite, Wagga Wagga, September 29
Intersectionality in Digital Humanities KU Leuven
Connectedness, Co-existence and Digital CollectionsNECS, Potsdam, July 30
Identifying the Point of it All: Towards a Model of Infrapuncture Oxford DH Summer School, July 4, 2016
Why connected scholarship is essential for contemporary academics, LaTrobe University, June 15, 2016
As Luck Would Have It: Discovery in the Digital Age Melbourne Knowledge Week. May 4
Always Hoik: Women and the Oscars Scribble Creative Women, February 26
Innovation for Social Good Global Innovator Conference, APEC China Business Council (ACBC) and the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC), Beijing, September 15
Show me the History! Big Data Goes to the Movies, Concordia University, Montreal, May 13
Show me the History! History, Cinema, Digital Archives, ANU, Canberra, July 23-25
Verhoeven, Deb; Maltby, Richard; Casetti, Francesco; Ravazzoli, Elisa (2014). Plenary Panel. NECS/HOMER, June 18
It Ain’t Over til the Big Data Sings, eResearch Australasia, Brisbane, November
A New Taste of HuNI: Redeveloping the Humanities Networked Infrastructure, eResearch Australasia, Melbourne, October 10–14, 2016
Jones, Mike and Verhoeven, Deb (2016). The Ubiquitous Archive: non-binary perspectives on contemporary humanities practice. 31st National Conference of the Australian Society of Archivists, October 20
Verhoeven Deb; Coate, Bronwyn; Palmer, Stuart and Arrowsmith, Colin (2016). Using Big Cultural Data To Understand Diversity And Reciprocity In The Global Flow Of Contemporary Cinema, DH2016, Krakow, July 13
Brown, Susan; Clement, Tanya E.; Mandell, Laura; Verhoeven, Deb and Wernimont, Jacque (2016). Creating Feminist Infrastructure in the Digital Humanities, DH2016, Krakow, July 14
Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Open Data and Big Data, International Symposium on the Measurement of Digital Cultural Products, UNESCO Institute of Statistics, May9-11
Verhoeven, Deb (2016). Big Data Goes to the Movies: Beyond the Itinerary, Transformations I: Cinema & Media Studies Research Meets Digital Humanities Tools, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University, April 15
Verhoeven, Deb; Arrowsmith, Colin; Coate, Bronwyn and Davidson, Alwyn (2016). On Location: Techniques for Analysing the Circulatory Economies of Cinema, SCMS, Atlanta, April 1
Verhoeven Deb; Sherratt Tim and Whitelaw, Mitchell (2016). Electronic Visualisation, the Arts and the Innovation Agenda (Panel). EVAA, University of Canberra March 6
Verhoeven, Deb (2015). Showcasing the Digital Humanities (panel), Melbourne Knowledge Week. October 21
Verhoeven, Deb (2015). Crowd Funding – Research my World Pilot Project, National University Finance and Procurement Conference, July 27
Coate, Brobwyn; Verhoeven, Deb; Davidson, Alwyn; Arrowsmith, Colin; and Zemaityte, Vejune. (2015). Feature Film Diversity on Australian Cinema Screens: Implications for the Domestic Film Industry, XVIIth Film and History Association of Australia and New Zealand (FHAANZ) Conference, Queensland University of Technology, July1-3
Verhoeven, Deb (2015). Digital Humanities: Where does Art fit in? University of Melbourne, June 5
Arrowsmith, C. Verhoeven, D. Davidson, A. and Coate, B. (2015). A Global Analysis of Cinema Performance Association of American Geographers Conference, Chicago, April 21-25
Avital M, Andersson M, Nickerson J, Sundararajan A, Van Alstyne M and Verhoeven, D (2014). The collaborative economy: a disruptive innovation or much ado about nothing? 35th International Conference on Information Systems; ICIS 2014 University of Auckland, December 14-17
Verhoeven, Deb; Davidson, Alwyn; and Coate, Bronwyn, (2014). The Cinema Cities Index: the potential of engagement-led research, eResearch Australasia 2014, Melbourne
Verhoeven, Deb; Burrows, Toby and Davidson, Alwyn (2014). HuNI: Open Data Semantic Ontologies in the Digital Humanities, eResearch Australasia 2014, Melbourne.
Arrowsmith, Colin; Verhoeven, Deb, and Davidson, Alwyn, (2014). Kinomatics: a Co-produced Global Exploration of Cinematic Data, RGS Annual International Conference, London, August 29
Verhoeven, Deb; Davidson, Alwyn; Arrowsmith, Colin and Coate, Bronwyn, (2014). Kinomatics: Big Cultural Data and the Study of Cinema, DH2014, Lausanne, July 10
Verhoeven, Deb; Arrowsmith, Colin; Coate, Bronwyn and Davidson, Alwyn, (2014). Scaling: Kinomatics and Big Cinema Data; Ranking: Re-placing Cinema Cities, Screen, Glasgow University, June 28
Verhoeven, Deb; Arrowsmith, Colin; and Davidson, Alwyn and Coate, Bronwyn (2014). Flowing: Cinema Histories Mis-placed, Screen, Glasgow University, June 28
Verhoeven, Deb; Arrowsmith, Colin; Coate, Bronwyn and Davidson, Alwyn, (2014). Ranking: Re-placing Cinema Cities, Screen, Glasgow University, June 28
Verhoeven, Deb and Maltby, Richard, (2014). Big Data and the Case Study: Challenges and Opportunities, NECS/HOMER, Milan, June 19
Verhoeven, Deb; Coate, Bronwyn; Arrowsmith, Colin, and Davidson, Alwyn, (2014). The Kinomatics Project: an Assessment of Using Small Data to Support Big Data, NECS/HOMER, Milan, June 19
Owen, Sue; Horn, Anne; Verhoeven Deb, and Robertson, Sabina, (2014). Collaboration Success in the Dataverse: libraries as digital humanities research partners 35th annual IATUL Conference, Aalto University Library, June 2-5
Verhoeven, Deb; Arrowsmith, Colin; and Davidson, Alwyn and Coate, Bronwyn (2014). It s not how big your data is, it s what you do with it that counts: Towards expanded data in the Kinomatics Project, aaDH, UWA, Perth
Verhoeven, Deb and Burrows, Toby, (2014). Deploying Ontologies in the Humanities and Creative Arts, aaDH, UWA, Perth
Verhoeven, Deb and Arthur, Paul (2014). NeCTAR Virtual Laboratories and the Humanities Networked Infrastructure (HuNI) Project, JADH2014, University of Tsukubu, Japan, September 21
Verhoeven, Deb; Burrows, Toby and Hawker, Alex (2013). Humanities e-Research at a National Scale: the HuNI Virtual Laboratory, eResearch Australasia, Brisbane, 20-25 October
Burrows, Toby and Verhoeven, Deb (2013). Integrating research in the humanities: the HuNI Virtual Laboratory, First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation, Canberra, 8-11 September (digital poster)
Burrows, Toby and Verhoeven Deb (2013. Humanities Networked Infrastructure (HuNI), AeRO 5th National Forum: AeRO Collaborates! Perth, 26 July 2013
Verhoeven, Deb and Burrows, Toby (2013). A National Virtual Laboratory for the Humanities in Australia: the HuNI (Humanities Networked Infrastructure) project, Digital Humanities 2013, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 16-19 July
Verhoeven, Deb (2013). Cinema Studies is Big: It s The Pictures That Got Small, HOMER Conference, June 2013, Prague
Arrowsmith, Colin and Verhoeven, Deb (2013). Spatial Visualisation for Heterogeneous Cinema Datasets, HOMER Conference, June 2013, Prague
Arrowsmith, Colin and Verhoeven, Deb (2013). Visualising large cinema data sets, RGS/IBG Conference, London, August 28-30
Verhoeven, Deb and Hawker, Alex (2013). A National Virtual Laboratory for the Humanities: a taste of HuNI, THETA (The Higher Education Technology Agenda), Hobart, April 7-10
Verhoeven, Deb and Morris, Brian (2012). Making Cities Count: Rankings, Liveability and Cultural Comparison, Making Culture Count: rethinking Measures of Vitality, Wellbeing and Citizenship, University of Melbourne, May 2-4
Arrowsmith, Colin and Verhoeven, Deb (2012). Visualising cinema circuits: a case study in Greek cinema, Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, New York, February 26
Verhoeven, Deb; Kilner, Kerry; Bollen, Jonathan; Harley, Ross (2012). Connecting Australia s Cultural Datasets: A Vision for Collaboration, Digital Humanities Australasia 2012 Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, March 28-30
Verhoeven, Deb (2012). Capacity, Curriculum Content: Teaching Digital Research Methodologies: a case study, Building, Mapping, Connecting: Digital Humanities Australasia 2012 Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, March 28-30
Verhoeven, Deb; Gionfriddo, Alexander; Wilson, Rachel; Thomas, Ian, May, Nicholas; Balasubranamian, Venki (2012). Virtual Research Collections in the Humanities: Defining and Creating MavReC, Building, Mapping, Connecting: Digital Humanities Australasia 2012 Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, March 28-30
Ryan, Mark and Verhoeven, Deb (2012). The Australian Screen Producer: Understanding Screen Production Cultures in a Period of Industrial Transition, 16th Biennial Conference of the Film and History Association of Australian and New Zealand, Victoria University, December 2-5
Mason, Ingrid; Verhoeven, Deb and Ross, Shawn (2012). eResearch Infrastructure for the Humanities, 3rd New Zealand eResearch Symposium, Victoria University, Wellington. July 4-6
Arrowsmith, Colin and Verhoeven, Deb (2011). A Method for Detecting Geographic Cinema Circuits Using Markov Chains, GISRUK Conference Portsmouth UK, April 27-29
Arrowsmith, Colin and Verhoeven, Deb (2011). Visual methods for showing cinema circuits at varying temporal and spatial scales, GSR_1, December 12
Verhoeven, Deb (2011). Projected communities: Greek cinema-going in Australia (1949-86), 9th International Conference on Greek Research, Flinders University, Adelaide, July 3
Arrowsmith, Colin; Verhoeven, Deb; Maltby, Richard; Walsh, Mike (2009). Media geographies: a geographic study of cinema in Australia for the period from 1948-1971, Annual International Conference of the RGS-IBG, September 1-3
Arrowsmith, Colin; Verhoeven, Deb and Davidson, Alwyn (2009). Geovisualising the History and Geography of Cinema, New Zealand Geographical Society (with the Institute of Australian Geographers) Conference, Christchurch, July 5-8
Arrowsmith, Colin; Verhoeven, Deb and Davidson, Alwyn (2009). The role of GIS and spatial analyses for understanding historical change in the post-war film industry: an interdisciplinary case study approach, Mapping the city in film: a geo-historical analysis: An Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Liverpool, February 25-26
Arrowsmith, Colin; Davidson, Alwyn and Verhoeven, Deb (2009). Spatio-temporal Analysis of Micro-historical Cinematic Data, Biennial International Conference of the Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI), September 28-October 2, Adelaide
Brandum, Dean; Verhoeven, Deb; and Coate, Bronwyn (2009). Wagging a long thin tail: the economic imperatives of the roadshow release strategy, SERG 2009: The 2nd Screen Economics Research Group Symposium, Sydney
I am regularly invited to host public events and conduct on-stage interviews with film and television industry personalities including:
Anna Serner (Sydney, 2017)
Peter Sellars (ABC 2015)
Sue Maslin (ABC 2015)
Jocelyn Moorhouse (ABC 2015)
M. Night Shyamalan (ABC 2015)
John Jarratt (ABC 2015)
Gillian Armstong (ACMI 2015)
Emily Nussbaum (ACMI 2014)
Catherine Breillat (MIFF 2014)
Lawrence Johnston (ACMI 2013)
Bruce Petty and Rhys Muldoon (ACMI/AFCA 2013)
Marieke Hardy (ACMI, 2012)
Richard Lowenstein (AFCA/ACMI, 2011)
Margaret Pomeranz (ACMI, 2011)
Bob Ellis (ACMI 2011)
Brian Trenchard Smith (AFCA/ACMI 2011)
Julia Zemiro (ACMI 2011)
Germaine Greer (MIFF, 2010)
Nadia Tass (ACMI, 2010)
Chris Masters (ACMI, 2010)
David Stratton (ACMI, 2010)
Wendy Hughes (AFCA/ACMI, 2009)
Albie Thoms (AFCA/ACMI, 2009)
Albert Falzon (AFCA/ACMI, 2009)
Nell Campbell (AFCA/ACMI, 2009)
Tom Cowan (AFCA/ACMI, 2009)
Zoë Bell (ACMI/Popcorn Taxi, 2005)
Dorothy Porter (Nova Cinemas, 2004)
Cate Shortland (Cinemedia, 2000)
Jo Kennedy (Cinemedia, 2000)
B Ruby Rich (AFI, 1999)
Jim Kitses (George Cinemas/AFI, 1999)
Richard Dyer (AFI, 1998)
Stephen Teo (AFI, HK Economic and Trade Office, 1998)
Toby Miller (AFI/George Cinemas, 1997)
Samantha Lang (AFI/George Cinemas, 1993)
Pamela Rabe (AFI/George Cinemas, 1993)
Mandy Walker (AFI/George Cinemas, 1993)