As the Gender Equity Policies (GEP) project kicks off this month, I have been interviewed by FF2 Media and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada about the immediacy of this work. In my interview with Katusha Jin, we discussed the importance of looking at the issue of gender inequity in film […]

The City of Melbourne is introducing a small number of pedestrian light signals with female figures (rather than the default male). This is my very short 10 cents worth in support of the gesture. Broadcast on BBC World Service March 7, 2017 Continue…
Filmgoers may soon have an app that lets them decide how much they want to pay to see a film. A short radio interview about the introduction of dynamic (or demand) cinema ticket pricing in Australia. Recorded with Jason Di Rosso and broadcast on Radio National on Friday 10 February 2017. Continue…
Our groundbreaking “Gender Offender” analysis of the Australian film industry published by The Conversation, 15 November 2016 which asks: “What if we used industry data to demonstrate the impact of dominant behaviours, and to inspire new approaches to encourage change in the industry?”
Published in the film industry trade journal if Magazine, 31 October, 2016: “If we are really going to reward anyone in the Australian film industry we need to give recognition to the women who swim against the current, day in and day out. These women don’t need a life-jacket tossed to them when a funding agency takes notice occasionally. They need a tidal change….We have the data. We have the names. So let’s stop rewarding men who can only work

A presentation at the 2016 Australian Society of Archivists (ASA) Conference. The “Forging Links: people, systems, archives” Conference was held at the Parkroyal Parramatta, Sydney, NSW 17 – 21 October, 2016.

An article published in The Conversation on August 15, 2014 that makes a case for the usefulness of big data as a new evidence base for examining global film industries. Continue…